We manufactures Superior quality of Boiling House Equipments ,made from stainless steel .These industrial evaporators are capable of withstanding high temperature and pressure . Our Boiling house equipments are widely used for the production of high value natural cane wax and can be designed as per the specification of the customer .Our full line of boiling house equipments include vapour Cells /Evaporators ,Long tube Rising Film Evaporators ( Semi Kestner) ,Extra Low Head Vacuum Pans and more.
A) Vapour Cells / Evaporators :
- Our Robert Evaporators has made outstanding contribution to the sugarcane processing industry.
We offer following types of evaporators:
- Long Tube Rising Film Evaporator (Semi Kestner),
- Falling Film Evaporator.
Robert type Evaporator body with multi down take:
The juice coming out from clarifier is known as clear juice & is of 14O brix to 18O brix. This juice is concentrated for the formation of crystal sugar from 15O brix. To 60O Brix. In the form of syrup and for this set of evaporator is used.
• Advantages / Design feature:
- Less tube height & less vapour pressure
- Multi down take for bigger diameter of Calendria for large capacity
- Better condensate removal
- Low steam consumption and improved distribution.
- Factory proven for higher heat transfer co-efficient and energy efficiency.
- Well designed feed and draining system easy circulation features lower steam side pressure drop.
- Reduced heat transfer temperature differential Elimination of high brix regions on the juice side.
B) Long Tube Rising Film Evaporator (Semi Kestner):
We are leading manufacturer of evaporator station. We offer semi Kestner of tube length 4 mtr upto 6 mtr. We can design evaporator upto 6000m² heating surface area.
• Advantages:
- Requirement of Less space.
- Capacity increases by 20% because of higher heat transfer coefficient due to High velocity Of Juice in the tube.
- Cost Reduced.
- Less inversion losses because of less Retention time of juice at high
- High bricks of syrup
- Requires less steam quantity and Gives high vapour pressure, hence Vapour can bleed to pan, juice Heaters & Evaporator set.
• Design Features:
- The Calendria is designed with min. 4.0 Mtrs. Long tubes up to 6.0 Mtrs. Long tube as per customers requirement & availability of exhaust back pressure of power house turbine.
- Baffle plate mounted on top tube plate to ensure diversion of juice droplets towards inside annular vapor space around top tube plate. Other baffles & centrifugal type catchall are also provided with sufficient body height to prevent the entertainment.
- Sufficient annular space around the tubes in the calendria with tangential steam entry for equal distribution of the exhaust over the entire heating surface. Non condensable are drawn out from the centre. No stagnant zone for heating medium.
- Above top tube plate umbrella is given to avoid carry over juice particles through vapour.
- Polly- baffle catcher also provided to avoid juice entrapment.
C) Radial Flow Evaporator:
Radial flow evaporation is an improved design to achieve higher evaporation rate due to high heat transfer coefficient compared to normal Robert evaporators. The Radial Flow Evaporators ensure perfect distribution of steam radially throughout the calendria and efficient removal of condensate as well as non condensable gasses. Improves juice circulation and less scale formation because of more juice re-circulation area.
• Advantages of Radial Flow Evaporators:
- Efficient steam distribution.
- High heat transfer co-efficient.
- High evaporation rate (5 kg/M2/hr higher than normal body).
- More vapour generation.
- Efficient juice circulation and lesser scale formation, more run duration.
- Easy installation and less maintenance.
- Easy to operate and less supervision is required.
We offer two types of Pans:
• Extra Low Head Vacuum Pan, Continious Vacuum Pan
A) Extra Low Head Vacuum Pan :
- Design Feature / Advantages :
- Due to fast boiling Evaporation rate is increases.
- Speedy & High circulation developed resulting of uniform grain size due to less tube length.
- Boiling period of massecuite is minimize & hence pan capacity utilization increases considerably.
(i.e. Pan capacity increases by 20%)
- Steam consumption reduced about 25% than high head pan.
- Uniform steam distribution in Calendria by providing annular space around the tube plate.
B) Continuous Vacuum Pan:
Design Feature / Advantages:
- Save space & energy
- Low temperature vapour boiling
Good Massecuite circulation
- Uniform condition for crystal growth in all
- S.S. Polly baffle catcher is provided for
entrapment rester
- Increase production capacity about 25% than the batch pan for same volume
- Easy for operation
- Maximized exhaustion of mother liquor
• Following Major factor were kept in view while designing the continuous vacuum pan
o Better circulation & efficient heat transfer to achieve improve evaporation rate
o Narrow crystal size distribution (C.S.D.)
o Small coefficient of variation (C.V.)
o Steady & less steam demand
o Plug flow and massecuite
o Short Retainsion of crystals in pan
- Pan can be boiled with low pressure steam / Vapour (0.2 to 0.5 Kg/cm2)
- Less steam demand / consumption. (0.35 to 0.45 MT/MT of massecuite as against 0.5 to 0.6 MT/MT of massecuite for batch pan)
- No fluctuating steam demand as is in a batch pan operation
- Greater uniformity in operation is obtained with respect to crystal size and exhaustion
- Number of units like condensers and ancillaries are reduced and thus less maintenance cost
- Labour Saving
- Operation Control is easy.
• Design Features:
- The Calendria is designed with min. 4.0 Mtrs. Long tubes up to 6.0 Mtrs. Long tube as per customers requirement & availability of exhaust back pressure of power house turbine.
- Baffle plate mounted on top tube plate to ensure diversion of juice droplets towards inside annular vapor space around top tube plate. Other baffles & centrifugal type catchall are also provided with sufficient body height to prevent the entertainment.
- Sufficient annular space around the tubes in the calendria with tangential steam entry for equal distribution of the exhaust over the entire heating surface. Non condensable are drawn out from the centre. No stagnant zone for heating medium.
- Above top tube plate umbrella is given to avoid carry over juice particles through vapour.
- Polly- baffle catcher also provided to avoid juice entrapment.
S. S .Polybaffles Catchalls for Semikesteners, Pans:
Salient Features of External Catchers:
• To eliminate the unknown loss of sugar through entertainment from the evaporator and pans.
• To ensure availability of pure ,contamination free condensate to meet the feed water quality standards for generation of steam at pressure which are being progressively increased for realization of fuel-steam-energy economies.
• To facilitate multi point bleeding of vapour for heating jobs without any risk of condensate contamination by carry – over.
• Efficient stripping of vapour from the long tube – rising or falling film evaporators with flash feeds, being adopted for higher evaporation rates.
• Minimization of the corrosion of vessels, pipes and condensers etc. caused by acid reaction of entrained sugar liquors.
• Avoiding pollution of condenser and spray cooling water caused by the entrained sugar house products.
Main Advantages of the System:
• Entertainment for the evaporators bodies and vacuum pans claims upto 0.2 to 0.5 loss of sugar on cane, which could be almost eliminated .On a conservative estimate a standard plant cane expect to bag 500 to 1000 tons of extra sugar/ season.
• Contamination –Free, pure condensates for boiler to prevent scaling- carry over and other problem .
• Pure low temperature condensates for use in process house.
• Minimization of corrosion loses.
• Pollution free condenser water. No lowering of PH and No need for extra liming there of saving of lime cost.
We offer mostly two types of crystallizer as follows:
• Horizontal ‘U’ Shape Crystalliser,
Vertical Crystallizer
A) 1) Air/ Water Cooled Crystallizers :
Horizontal ‘U’ Shaped Crystallizers:
Horizontal ‘U’ Shaped crystallizers are used in industries are of two types-
• Air Cooled Crystalliser
• Water Cooled Crystallizer
The capacity of crystallizer varies from 20 Ton to 120 Ton as per capacity of plant.
Construction feature:
• Heavy duty pipe for centre shaft
• Heavy duty bearings for drive end & non drive end
• Strong stirrer and arm
• Mild steel in construction
2) Vertical Crystallizers (Mono & Twin Type):
The vertical crystallizers are used for cooling crystals of ‘C’ Massecuite & is maximization of exhaustion of the mother liquor & its capacity is from 100 Tons to 500 Tons.
Feature & Advantages :
- No supporting staging is required
- It can be installed inside or outside as per space availability at site
- Require 15% of factory floor space which reduced convention space
required for Horizontal crystallizer
- Save man power
- Less power consumption by using planetary gears
We offer vertical crystallizers of inside coil & external coil with riser pipe.
We offer various range of Juice Heaters:
• Vertical juice heater, Vapour line Juice Heater, Dynamic Juice Heater
These juice heaters are in capacities From 60 M² H.S. to 500 M² H.S. as per the Capacity of sugar plant & customer requirement. They are used for heating raw, Sulphur & clear Juice from 30ºC to 40ºC, 40ºC to 60ºC, 60ºC to 75ºC & 75º to 105ºC.
Design Feature:
- Vertical Tubular, High velocity, Multi circulation
- Efficient steam distribution
- Quick cover opening with balance device
- Leak proof passes for higher efficiency
- Interchangeability of operation
- Positive removal of condensate
- Removal of heavy & light nox gasses
- Adequate venting.
Pugmill mixer unit with fully enclosed zero maintenance geared motor arrangement, heavy duty mixers arms and tips with reversible design to provide longer operating life, special alloy liner plates with anti wear design with hot oil jacketed mixing section, forced mixing unit with extra mixing elements to ensure perfectly mixed & fully coated.